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Proposed for next monthly agenda

  • fredg : Need of a "road map" (what - goal - who - when - ...)
  • fredg : The need or NOT of a Salix-OS Github account.
  • fredg : Think about old members without activities on the 14.0 becoming veterans (ax, kerd, pwatk, shador, lmello, mb, thenktor ?, ...)
  • fredg : New team members introduction (mimosa, jaysaye, ...)
  • mimosa : Testing department / coordinator; a graphical tool based on Lilosetup to configure fstab
  • akuna : Share the work that is going on in all departments ATM and clarify who does what so we all know what is actually taken care of and what is not.
  • akuna : Flowchart of all that needs to be done in Salix and who does what
  • akuna : Establish some sort of guidelines for active contributors joining the core team, the idea is that although we want to facilitate the contribution threshold, we also want to ensure a certain level of reliability. Team members need to pledge as much as possible to train newcomers to fill their post before they move on to new horizon (which we will all do sooner or later => the idea here is to ensure that Salix will outlive us all). Also a team member who have not produced any contribution for a certain time, or manifested himself on either the ML or the Forum for a few months (amount to be determined together) should try to be contacted and then maybe, be moved to the veteran section and we should either try to replace him or terminate his department if it is not that crucial.
  • jrd : All what I wanted to say has been said, so I just add : better communicate (also internally as already been said) to the public. Not only on the website and distrowatch, but also keeping Wikipedia up to date, publish articles in specialized websites (in different languages if possible), produce videos that we put on Youtube and Daylymotion. Better use the social networks (I need to create a g+ account and help fredg promote Salix). Visibility is important to have more (users of course), but also contributors.
  • jrd : publish the regular ISO together with the live iso if possible. Or very closely, like a couple of weeks maximum. Prepare the repo for all DE when publishing a new Salix version. All (or the more than we can) editions have to be upgradable at the same time, even if the ISOs are not ready yet for them. There is no such thing as "Salix Xfce 15.0 is out" with a "Salix LXDE 15.0 is not out yet". Either the repo is ok in 15.0 (apart from some packages which will be done in couples of weeks), or it isn't. It's confusing for people. I speak about the repo, not the ISOs. ISOs could (and should, for promotion), be released separately.
  • akuna : As it seems we are receiving a new influx of contributors, work on a contributor 'chart'. That will not only clarify the responsibilities involved, but it will also contribute to spread the load, while also probably encouraging new vocations if it is posted clearly somewhere for all to see. Next to it, we could also have a 'recruiting' section, where the needs for new contributions is clearly stated with distinct seats to fill in.

  • Feel free to add (and/or modify if an original post was your own) any of the topics you want to see discussed during our next Team meeting