Salix 15.0RC3

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Salix 15.0RC3

Post by gapan »

Well, here's another one! Really hoping this is the final one now.

Things fixed since RC2:
* restored CSD on GTK4 apps
* added libreoffice locale packages for several languages
* show suspend/hibernate options in xfce logout window
* fix salix-update-notifier icon appearing multiple times in tray
* updated Portuguese translations in installer
* minor fixes to qogir-icon-theme
* minor layout fixes to xfce panel

If you were already in RC2, simply upgrading will get you there (except the xfce panel layout, you can use the xfce panel layouts app and load the "Sailx" preset for that).

Here goes...

Salix64 Xfce 15.0RC3 (64-bit, x86_64)
(md5: 2d4eaeb363ded5bab7b141998cc2fb19, size: 1.4GB) ... 5.0RC3.iso

Salix Xfce 15.0RC3 (32-bit, i586/i686)
(md5: 74591c7848413500d705ced0920853d7, size: 1.4GB) ... 5.0RC3.iso

Thanks for testing!
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Re: Salix 15.0RC3

Post by lucky9 »

Hello gapan,
The md5 checksums are wrong for the iso files. They seem to be switched around. 32bit sum is for 64bit and vis versa.
HP DC7800 SFF | 2.33GHz Intel Core 2 Duo | Salix64-Xfce-14.1
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Re: Salix 15.0RC3

Post by gapan »

lucky9 wrote: 15. Aug 2022, 12:04 Hello gapan,
The md5 checksums are wrong for the iso files. They seem to be switched around. 32bit sum is for 64bit and vis versa.
Oops, thanks! Fixed.
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Re: Salix 15.0RC3

Post by missTell »

I did ... try it (RC3).
At least, I didn't make that video in RC2 for nothing.
This might be a bad or good news, according to the viewpoint, of course.

1. Abusing the emptiness (empty space) to create the perfection (regular panel icon-spacing) is done in RC3, but the '2018 Xfce panel tooltip bug' is still unresolved. :(

Workaround: Set the systray-6 icon size to 'Adjust size automatically' or to fixed 31 pixels (for the default 30 pixels panel height!). As in my video.
Which one is better or worse is very easy to see when comparing with surrounding tooltips -- the distance between the top of the panel and the bottom of the tooltip is different according to 'Auto' or '31 Px' ... darn 'who cares about 1 Px' ... ;)

2. "Default applications" and the Start Menu "All applications" icon:

The world population, even the most 'learn-resistant' learns with time, and so they learned and (mostly) accepted the "Hamburger Menu".

This means, the symbols they learned, accepted and know for 'Open Menu' and 'All applications' are:

- three / four parallel horizontal lines
- three horizontal dots / squares
- four dots / squares
- nine dots / squares

On the other side, the cogwheel is always associated with some settings.

In the start menu, you get 2 big blue folder icons, and then some pale cogwheel.

The "Default applications" icon belongs into the Start Menu, in place of "All applications" cogwheel.

"All applications" cogwheel would make more sense for the "Default applications" -- which is "Settings" (of a default application).

3. The "Hostnames" icon is still wrong for the same reasons.

Even if we ignore that is misleading (because of '@'), it's hard to ignore the totally wrong proportions of that '@'.

All original icons have approx. 6 pixels smaller symbols inserted on that monitor screen.

It feels and is alien -- doesn't play well with other icons.

4.. I DO respect those 1 % of 'forum-warriors' opinions, but I even more respect the facts.

Some 13-years ago, laptops started outselling desktop PCs, and in the meanwhile, laptops are the majority of all PCs (except for gaming).

Will say, just as volume icon belongs to the panel, so the battery (power manager) icon belongs there too. You'll read it in some review, if dedoimedo ever installs Salix.

2009: ... -computers

2022: ... sktop-pcs/

The best GUI practices: The battery icon belongs to the panel.

The common sense: The battery icon belongs to the panel.

Convenience: The battery icon belongs to the panel.

As there are more laptops than desktop PCs, and because removing the icon takes 2 clicks (AND knowledge!) instead of 9+ for adding it.

The reasoning like, "Not everybody needs is, so we don't include it" is wrong, as the majority needs it, even if it's only 51 : 49 %.

However, the actual reality is different, and is more something like 75 vs. 25 % for laptops, and 99+ with audio card.

Most desktop PCs won't need the (included) network-manager -- which is / was always there. ;)

5. The positioning of the elements on the panel was, is and will stay wrong ...

Logically, those virtual desktops belong next to the Start Menu button, as those who use them, use them to organize the desktop at the beginning of the work-day.

They would first decide what are they going to do and with which applications, and so, the Inkscape and Gimp would land on one screen, and the web browser and text editor on another (just as an example). Unfortunately, that's not very nice esthetically.

The second logical place for the Pager is after the application starters, as those who don't plan, but improvise instead, will first open some applications, and then look for more space for others.

Since most people aren't using any virtual desktops (everybody comes from Windows or Mac, and Windows got -- well-hidden -- virtual desktops in Win 10 for the first time, almost nobody is used to use them).

Visually more pleasing, but still just as functional is the placement after the 'open applications' part of the panel, and before the system area -- notifications, network-manager, audio and power-manager. So, all important system icons stay beside each other.

Pager is irrelevant for most users, but even those who regularly use it, would rarely need 4 virtual desktops. People like me maybe, who NEED them, and with a plenty of RAM, but they probably won't be using Xfce ...

And the "Show Desktop", it belongs either on the beginning or at the end, but absolutelly not in the middle -- it can either be the very last icon (which won't work, since there is a "Log-out" at the end), or the first to the right from the Start Menu, in between the Start Menu and Pager.

At the end, even if the appearance and the essential default preconfiguration are less than ideal, one thing changed since my first 'modernize Salix' post -- it did get more up to date general appearance -- congratulations!
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Re: Salix 15.0RC3

Post by gaucho »

I downloaded the RC3 this morning, did a fresh installation on the Dell laptop and have been testing it all evening.
  • Installation was straightforward and quick -- as usual.
  • Every program that I've tried so far, has worked well -- including radio streams (.mp3, .aac, .ogg).
  • The few minor glitches that I previously reported have all been fixed. Thank you! :)
  • The OS feels smooth, looks polished and runs fast.
Although I'll continue testing, I'm not expecting to uncover any major problems.

Thanks again for your excellent quality control and the continued improvements with these releases. Ding, ding, ding! "I think we have a winner" (as they say). :geek:

This installation is 64-bit, BIOS, with US English as the locale.

My testing hardware is a Dell Latitude E4300 laptop, Intel Core2 Duo P9400 CPU, 8 GB RAM and a Samsung 250 GB SSD.
Registered Linux User # 442201

Dell Latitude E4300 laptop: Intel Core2 Duo P9400 CPU, 8 GB RAM, Samsung 850 EVO 250 GB SSD, Intel Wireless 7260
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Re: Salix 15.0RC3

Post by mimosa »

The RC3 is now installed and working wonderfully (BIOS, 64 bits, UK English locale).

I'm not sure if this is a problem but I needed to run updatedb to make locate work. When I tried it I got an unhelpful message about the database having no EOF or something like that (presumably because it did not yet exist).
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Re: Salix 15.0RC3

Post by gapan »

mimosa wrote: 16. Aug 2022, 13:47 The RC3 is now installed and working wonderfully (BIOS, 64 bits, UK English locale).

I'm not sure if this is a problem but I needed to run updatedb to make locate work. When I tried it I got an unhelpful message about the database having no EOF or something like that (presumably because it did not yet exist).
That's normal. updatedb runs once a day with cron and if it's a fresh install, it might not have had the chance to do so yet.
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Re: Salix 15.0RC3

Post by Burkhard »


successfully installed Salix OS version 15 RC3 this morning.

Everything is running perfectly and I am completely satisfied. After I installed the kernel sources, I was also able to install a current Nvidia driver. Great job and thanks to everyone who contributed to it.

Greetings Burkhard
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Re: Salix 15.0RC3

Post by Dizover »

So, about this error, it started issuing this inscription after img was loaded, that is, the installation has not started yet and it was checking ata1. During the "Installation" there was not a single USB device in the computer except a USB flash drive with an installation image, a PS/2 keyboard was connected to the computer from additional devices.
I guess it could be in the kernel(but I'm not sure) because salix 14.2.1 is booting and salix 15 is not. The only solution I see is an upgrade from salix 14.2.1 to salix 15, but if this is possible only through a lot of commands in the terminal, it may have a bad effect on the popularization of the distribution, although I'm not sure that many people use 32bit, but if salix 15 is able to work as fast, or faster on similar computers What I have, that would be wonderful.
This is a great distribution, few are able to work as fast on old computers as this one, salix os and bodhi linux can fully work on old computers, even play videos to YouTube (Antix is terrible in this case). Yes, only 2.5 distributions can fully work on old x86 computers, and I tested all linux distributions that support 32bit, half did not start, the other half started, but there were a lot of lags, and only salix os and bodhi linux can revive an old pc, although salix is still better because half of the bodhi icons disappear. Perhaps I spent too much time on all this, I even found a normal video card for an old computer (where the advertisement said that it was good for video playback in hd quality, at the time of release) from amd and a two-threads pentium4, a computer with ddr1 2gb RAM.
the developers of 99% of distributions with 32-bit support do not even imagine that if the OS runs on a virtual machine, this does not mean that it will run on real hardware, It's all equal to carrying a whale in a car, on practice. I'm sorry for all this, I've been researching this issue(issue about - can be 32 bit pc's be useful?) for 2 years, and I've been testing distributions and ton 32bit computers in practice, I do not know why, but I want them be useful, for people who need it...
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Re: Salix 15.0RC3

Post by babam »

Please add AssaultCube to repository

Sorry, my English is bad.
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