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Pkgtxt2db is a utility for Slackware and Slackware based operating system only.

It can be use to convert PACKAGES.TXT to various database formats:

Are supported for now:

  • CSV
  • JSON


Sources tarballs and Slackware packages can be found there:

The source code is also available through the Salix svn repository. You can get it with:

 svn co Pkgtxt2db


 pkgtxt2db [options]


-c | --csv		convert PACKAGES.TXT to a CSV DB
-j | --json		convert PACKAGES.TXT to a JSON DB
-t | --target		use with -c or -j, choose slackware or salix
-r | --release		use with -t, choose the release

--target is to choose between Salix or Slackware repository. It can be:

* salix32: salix i486 repository
* salix64: salix x86_64 repository
* slack32: slackware i486 repository
* slack64: slackware x86_64 repository

--release is to choose the release It can be:

* 13.37
* current (if repository exist)
* ...


pkgtxt2db -j -t salix32 -r 13.37

It will convert PACKAGES.TXT from the i486 salix repo to a JSON database: pkgtxt.json

pkgtxt2db -c -t slack32 -r current

It will convert PACKAGES.TXT from the current i486 slackware repo to a CSV database, with tab separated value: pkgtxt.csv (you can open it with libreoffice if you want ;) )