How to completely erase /tmp

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Although Salix does provide /tmp cleanup during boot in /etc/rc.d/rc.S:

# Clean up some temporary files:
rm -f /var/run/* /var/run/*/* /var/run/*/*/* /etc/nologin \
 /etc/dhcpc/*.pid /etc/forcefsck /etc/fastboot \
 /var/state/saslauthd/ \
 /tmp/.Xauth* 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
 ( cd /var/log/setup/tmp && rm -rf * )
 ( cd /tmp && rm -rf kde-[a-zA-Z]* ksocket-[a-zA-Z]* hsperfdata_[a-zA-Z]* plugtmp* )

one might need to completely erase the contents of /tmp directory for some reason. There might be several ways to do so, ie. scheduling the complete cleanup via crontab. The easiest way however is adding some simple lines to the above rc.S script:

echo "cleaning up /tmp completely"
rm -rf /tmp/*
rm -rf /tmp/.??*

The first rm command deletes all non-hidden directories and files, the second removes most of the hidden ones. CAUTION: Editing system scripts should be done by advanced users who know exactly what they are doing, for example a typo in the last command (only one question mark) might lead to removal of all files in the system: rm -rf /tmp/.?* as this matches /tmp/../ which is equivalent to root directory /. Two question marks prevent this and match only files inside /tmp directory.

We might also want to wipe /var/tmp - similarly add these lines:

rm -rf /var/tmp/*
rm -rf /var/tmp/.??*