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About Salix

Salix is a linux distribution based on Slackware that is simple, fast and easy to use. Salix aims to be completely backwards compatible with Slackware, so Slackware users can benefit from Salix repositories.


Salix has three different modes of installation:

  1. Full: Everything that is included in the iso is installed. That includes the Xfce desktop environment, the Firefox web browser and Claws-mail email client, a complete OpenOffice.org office suite, a Java Runtime Environment, the Totem media player and Exaile music manager, the gslapt package manager and several other applications, always following the "one application per task" rationale.
  2. Basic: This installs only the Xfce desktop environment with the Firefox web browser and the gslapt package manager. Ideal for advanced users that would like to install a lightweight Xfce and add their own choice of applications.
  3. Core: Only the minimum essentials for a console system to start are included. A graphical environment is not provided. This is ideal if you are an experienced user and want to customize your installation for any specific purpose, such as a web server, file server etc.

The installation is text dialog based, but easy to navigate and complete. It is also very fast; a "full" mode installation will take less than 5 minutes on any modern PC. All three installation modes come with a complete development environment, so users don't need to add anything to start developing and compiling applications.


You can download the latest Salix version from these places:


Have a look at our forum. You can also join our jabber chat room at salix@chat.meticul.eu or our IRC channel #salix at irc.freenode.net There is also a mailing list: salix-main@lists.sourceforge.net. You can register here and view the mail archives here.