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Re: MATE Desktop Environment packages

Posted: 6. Apr 2012, 10:08
by zAchAry
gapan wrote:
zAchAry wrote:Until this point, I have installed everything without manipulations by me, and Caja does not work 100% properly.
What is it that it doesn't work?
Trash, Network and Computer
It supports external devices, but I need to mount it with Thunar in order to browse it with Caja.

gapan wrote:
zAchAry wrote:Either way, ",gnome" should be added to line number 4, if we would like users to enjoy the Fog and Quid icon themes.
Not necessarily. The Fog and Quid icon themes work just fine if you have the mate-icon-theme installed.
It is a tiny change with big difference, but you are the boss ;-)

Re: MATE Desktop Environment packages

Posted: 6. Apr 2012, 13:18
by NicePics13
zAchAry wrote:It supports external devices, but I need to mount it with Thunar in order to browse it with Caja.
Doesn't that sound like udisks is not installed as Thunar still uses HAL in 13.37?

Re: MATE Desktop Environment packages

Posted: 6. Apr 2012, 13:20
by stefano-k
zAchAry wrote:Trash, Network and Computer
caja uses gvfs to show those locations

Re: MATE Desktop Environment packages

Posted: 6. Apr 2012, 18:38
by zAchAry
I have also tried to solve it by installing mate-vfs (the mate virtual file system) but it is still not working.

Re: MATE Desktop Environment packages

Posted: 6. Apr 2012, 23:36
by pwatk
Well apart from the changes I'd like to see happen to the mate-media package that I've posted on the mailing list I'm pretty happy.

I removed all the xfce{,4}*, thunar*, evince and file roller packages from my system, disabled the gnome-keyring start up options and changed some options in my Preferred Applications and everything is running pretty sweat.

The trash and network options appear to work fine here although I don't have any shares at the moment to test properly, I'll setup a few tomorrow.

I was going to suggest adding conflicts to the overlapping gnome packages e.g. gnome-keyring, gnome-media, gnome-icon-theme etc but on reflection I think we'd just be creating work for ourselves when it comes to existing package dependencies.


Re: MATE Desktop Environment packages

Posted: 7. Apr 2012, 09:06
by gapan
zAchAry wrote:I have also tried to solve it by installing mate-vfs (the mate virtual file system) but it is still not working.
But do you have gvfs installed?
pwatk wrote:I was going to suggest adding conflicts to the overlapping gnome packages e.g. gnome-keyring, gnome-media, gnome-icon-theme etc but on reflection I think we'd just be creating work for ourselves when it comes to existing package dependencies.
No, there should be no conflicts whatsoever. There's nobody stopping you from having gnome-keyring installed next to mate-keyring, or gnome-icon-theme next to mate-icon-theme or evince next to atril etc. And by having conflicts you wouldn't be able to install packages that depend on gnome-keyring for example if you have MATE installed (like agave, gnome-commander etc). There are no conflicts, period.

Re: MATE Desktop Environment packages

Posted: 7. Apr 2012, 13:03
by pwatk

Oh and you were right and I was wrong... the mate-media package needs to be rebuilt and replaced to support pulseaudio and the non-depreciated mixer. Nevermind.

Re: MATE Desktop Environment packages

Posted: 7. Apr 2012, 15:29
by GJones
Trying it now...

It's pretty, functional, and hecka faster than KDE 4 (or Gnome 3). With the right packages installed (i.e. gvfs and gnome-mount), everything works out of the box. Got a few rough spots, but otherwise I'm loving it.

Thank you for putting these packages in the repos!

Re: mate-icon-theme vs gnome-icon-theme

Posted: 7. Apr 2012, 18:57
by gapan
zAchAry wrote:Please correct the index.theme files of the mate-themes package.
Instead of: Inherits=mate
Replace to: Inherits=mate,gnome
Done in mate-themes-1.2.2 now in the repos. The Glider theme has been renamed, so everyone who is using it, will have to reselect it. Thanks for the idea. ;)

I also added gvfs to the mate-file-manager dependencies.

Re: MATE Desktop Environment packages

Posted: 8. Apr 2012, 01:51
by zAchAry
gapan wrote:
zAchAry wrote:Please correct the index.theme files of the mate-themes package.
Instead of: Inherits=mate
Replace to: Inherits=mate,gnome
Done in mate-themes-1.2.2 now in the repos. The Glider theme has been renamed, so everyone who is using it, will have to reselect it. Thanks for the idea. ;)
gapan wrote:
zAchAry wrote:I have also tried to solve it by installing mate-vfs (the mate virtual file system) but it is still not working.
But do you have gvfs installed?

Code: Select all

$ slapt-get --list | grep vfs
gmountman-0.3.3-noarch-1gv [inst=yes]: gmountman (A mount manager for local devices that uses gvfs)
gnome-vfs-2.24.4-i486-1gv [inst=yes]: gnome-vfs (the gnome virtual file system)
gvfs-1.6.7-i486-1gv [inst=yes]: gvfs (a userspace virtual filesystem)
mate-vfs-1.2.0-i486-1gv [inst=yes]: mate-vfs (the mate virtual file system)
perl-gnome2-vfs-1.081-i486-4gv [inst=no]: perl-gnome2-vfs (Perl interface to the 2.x series of GNOME VFS