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Postman - Failed to open URI

Posted: 23. Mar 2024, 08:12
by malagasy
Hello All,
After I have installed postman, then when I click the "run in postman" button from the top right of this page, then the app doesn't launch.
I did the test by installing this app using slapt-get (postman version 9.19.0) and slapt-src (postman version 10.23.0) but none of them has a desktop app. In XFCE menu list, searching for postman doesn't give any result but "run postman".

Then, after I added "x-scheme-handler/postman=postman.desktop" into ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list, as mentionned in postman support on github here, then the icons appears in XFCE menu.
cat /usr/share/applications/postman.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Postman API Platform
Exec=/usr/bin/postman %U
The steps I followed:

1. Navigate to
2. Click on the "Run in Postman" button on the top right
3. Select "Run in.." > "Postman for Linux"
4. Select "Open xdg-open" on the modal that appears (Open xdg-open? wants to open this application.)
5. Nothing happens but the error message below:
Failed to open URI.
The specified location is not supported.
I didn't get this issue in my ubuntu machine, but I am not sure what to check to compare why it's not working here.

Re: Postman - Failed to open URI

Posted: 23. Mar 2024, 11:20
by gapan
It seems that the postman package does not have that .desktop file, so all desktop integration is missing. Ideally, it should, but this comes from SBo and it should be fixed there. But you seem to have fixed that part anyway.

What this is probably, is that firefox doesn't know what to do with the postman:// protocol. See if this helps: ... d5d9cb990b

Re: Postman - Failed to open URI

Posted: 24. Mar 2024, 07:18
by malagasy
Thanks a lot, that works