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Re: In case it is useful for anyone. Salix 14.0 Live XFCE be

Posted: 31. May 2013, 00:17
by aurlaent
I've tested (without using persistence) the isohybrid and methods and both working for me.
The image behind the grub menu is displaced upwards by about 20-30 pixels and wraps to the bottom of the screen.
I'm on a laptop with Radeon HD 6625M graphics.
Thanks for all your hard work on slackel and salix.

Re: In case it is useful for anyone. Salix 14.0 Live XFCE be

Posted: 31. May 2013, 05:13
by djemos
I have seen also the image. Text need to move down on top and up on bottom.

Re: In case it is useful for anyone. Salix 14.0 Live XFCE be

Posted: 31. May 2013, 11:05
by mimosa
I may have done something wrong, but I am still seeing the same pattern. Small changes are persistent (installing alpine, par, rlwrap ...) but when I tried installing ghc (~60MB compressed), slapt-get hung and the system is broken.

I still get the same from df and mount: / is not mounted.

And the file /etc/fstab exists, but is empty. That rather looks like the problem. Unpacking the iso and having a look, it doesn't seem to be there at all (though perhaps I am looking in the wrong place):

Code: Select all

mimosa[~]$ md5sum salixlive-xfce-14.0-32-beta1.iso 
1e4c752a3f5dfafe384963d335f1ad1b  salixlive-xfce-14.0-32-beta1.iso
root[mimosa]# mount -o loop salixlive-xfce-14.0-32-beta1.iso liveiso
root[mimosa]# rsync -av liveiso/ salix
root[mimosa]# mount -o loop salix/salixlive/modules/01-core.salt salt
root[mimosa]# ls salt/etc/fstab
ls: cannot access salt/etc/fstab: No such file or directory

Re: In case it is useful for anyone. Salix 14.0 Live XFCE be

Posted: 31. May 2013, 11:45
by djemos
You can't find fstab on live iso. Iso image contains modules compessed. You can see fstab when you boot from live-usb or dvd.
Can you just not use persistence and boot from live-usb. If you can't then you did something wrong.
I test it again and it works.

Re: In case it is useful for anyone. Salix 14.0 Live XFCE be

Posted: 31. May 2013, 12:27
by mimosa
Iso image contains modules compressed
but I uncompressed it, and did a loop mount. It worked (plenty of files and directories in there) but no /etc/fstab.

I renamed the persistent file to boot the stick without it, but the output of df -ah and mount is the same.

When I made the stick, I used the same procedure as in my previous post (see code), but with /dev/sdb1 mounted to the target directory. Then I copied the new initrd according to your instructions.

Can you see what I did wrong?

Re: In case it is useful for anyone. Salix 14.0 Live XFCE be

Posted: 31. May 2013, 19:56
by djemos
There is no fstab on initrd. Why you stick with fstab.
persistence is working. I use it and i have done the same many times.
I told you how you do it. Above in previous post there are the steps to follow.
They are clear.

I don't know.
Download the new iso. And just mount it an copy the iso to your usb. (first format usb)
umount and reboot.
To see it is working. then make the persistence and reboot again.

Re: In case it is useful for anyone. Salix 14.0 Live XFCE be

Posted: 1. Jun 2013, 03:24
by Atip
Downloaded and installed on USB stick and as expected :( it hang on booting.

Then I downloaded and installed on a USB stick the latest version of a slackware distro
with kernel 3.8.7 and grub2 bootloader and it booted into it beautifully with latest KDE.

So I can boot from a USB stick with SalixLive-Fluxbox, TCL, KNOPPIX, Tails and now this Exton-Slack, however,
not with any slackelLive or now this salix Live version. To me that means something is not right with
slackel (and now Salix) and its grub2 or what-so-ever programming.

Re: In case it is useful for anyone. Salix 14.0 Live XFCE be

Posted: 1. Jun 2013, 08:00
by mimosa

Well, fstab isn't there in the system on the stick. I didn't look for it in the initrd, but in the core_salt module.

Anyway, I'll start again from scratch. The most likely thing is still that it's something I did wrong at some stage. However, I think this will be the fifth iteration.

Re: In case it is useful for anyone. Salix 14.0 Live XFCE be

Posted: 1. Jun 2013, 08:03
by djemos
Exton-Slack made with linux-live-scripts from slax and uses initramfs image.
It boots. It is usable? nepomuk don't run. slapt-get shows to slackware 14.0 repos so kde-4.8.5 packages will install while kde-4.10.3 included from current.
Cannot mount any partitions with dolphin, authentication required.
Except from booting system also have to be easy to use, workable and run out of the box.
Any other have no problem booting from usb.

Edit: did you tried the dd method?
dd if=salixlive-xfce-14.0-32-beta1.iso of=/dev/DEVICE bs=1M ; sync
DEVICE is /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc
ATTENTION!If you don't point to usb device and choose a wrong one all data will erased and system will be unbootable.

Re: In case it is useful for anyone. Salix 14.0 Live XFCE be

Posted: 1. Jun 2013, 08:07
by djemos
To clear things.
Can you boot from usb without make any persistence file?
As you already did in a previous post saying booting from usb was ok?
check this first.