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Posted: 18. Oct 2011, 12:02
by Dani745
MyPaint is a free software graphics application for digital painters, its close to Corel Painter.

home page

downloads page

I think it's a pretty cool program ^__^

Re: MyPaint

Posted: 13. Jan 2012, 12:50
by coroner
Dani745 wrote:MyPaint is a free software graphics application for digital painters, its close to Corel Painter.

home page

downloads page

I think it's a pretty cool program ^__^
Hi everyone. Maybe, some people what compile this interesting program.
1. Install Numpy.
2. Install Scons.
3. Rebuild pygtk with Numpy support.
4. Update swig. In 1.3.38 version error when starting program.
5. Compile from source mypaint-1.0.0.
6 ....
7 Profit.


Code: Select all


"pygtk (GTK+ bindings for Python)"
"PyGTK provides a convenient wrapper for the GTK+ library for use in"
"Python programs, taking care of many of the boring details such as"
"managing memory and type casting."

build() {
	cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
	./configure \
	    --prefix=/usr \
	    --sysconfdir=/etc \
	    --localstatedir=/var \
	    --libdir=/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX} \
	    --mandir=/usr/man \
	    --enable-numpy \
	make $NUMJOBS || return 1
	make install DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg || return 1

Code: Select all


"swig (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator)"
"SWIG is an interface compiler that connects programs written in C and"
"C++ with scripting languages such as Perl, Python, Ruby, and Tcl.  It"
"works by taking the declarations found in C/C++ header files and using"
"them to generate the wrapper code that scripting languages need to"
"access the underlying C/C++ code.  In addition, SWIG provides a" 
"variety of customization features that let you tailor the wrapping"
"process to suit your application."

build() {
	cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
	./configure \
	     --prefix=/usr \
	     --libdir=/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX} \
	     --mandir=/usr/man \
	make $NUMJOBS || return 1
	make install DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg || return 1
mypaint SLKBUILD

Code: Select all

#make depend: scons, swig
#depend: pygtk with numpy support, python, numpy
docs=('COPYING' 'LICENSE' 'README' 'changelog')

doinst() {

	if [ -x /usr/bin/update-desktop-database ]; then
		/usr/bin/update-desktop-database /usr/share/applications 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null

	if [ -x /usr/bin/update-mime-database -a -d /usr/share/mime ]; then
		/usr/bin/update-mime-database /usr/share/mime 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null &

"mypaint is a free software graphics application for digital painters."
"MyPaint is a fast and easy open-source graphics application for"
"digital painters. MyPaint comes with a large brush collection"
"including charcoal and ink to emulate real media, but the highly"
"configurable brush engine allows you to experiment with your own"
"brushes and with not-quite-natural painting."

build() {
	cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
	sed -i "s|lib/mypaint|lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/mypaint|g" SConstruct
	scons prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install
depfinder mypaint

Code: Select all

p.s. depfinder can`t find correct dependencies. Scons and swig added manually.
p.p.s Not tested correct path to icons for mypaint.desktop.

Re: MyPaint

Posted: 13. Jan 2012, 19:45
by Shador
coroner wrote:depfinder can`t find correct dependencies. Scons and swig added manually.
Yes, it can. Scons and swig are usually build time deps. I'm fairly sure the package runs without. Anyway if packaging and using depfinder you should know it's limitation. It's technically impossible to detect all sorts of dependencies, so it's possible depfinder misses some. But it does a good job. Additionally you should have a look at runtime vs buildtime dependencies. In Slackware it's not common practice to list those (you can add a comment somewhere in the beginning of the SLKBUILD if you want) but e.g. Arch PKBUILDs and many other build systems do.

Anyway, thanks for your contribution.

Re: MyPaint

Posted: 14. Jan 2012, 06:24
by coroner
Shador wrote:
coroner wrote:depfinder can`t find correct dependencies. Scons and swig added manually.
Yes, it can. Scons and swig are usually build time deps. I'm fairly sure the package runs without. Anyway if packaging and using depfinder you should know it's limitation. It's technically impossible to detect all sorts of dependencies, so it's possible depfinder misses some. But it does a good job. Additionally you should have a look at runtime vs buildtime dependencies. In Slackware it's not common practice to list those (you can add a comment somewhere in the beginning of the SLKBUILD if you want) but e.g. Arch PKBUILDs and many other build systems do.

Anyway, thanks for your contribution.
Good morning. Thanks a lot for explanation. Add comments in mypaint slkbuild about dependencies. I knew what mypaint package run without scons and swig, but wrote in depfinder for successful compiling. If someone found errors in slkbuilds, wrote here. Check hicolor icons, correct or not add in desktop environment.

p.s. Sorry for my weak knowledge english. I understand well, but i don't remember grammar, becouse few use in my life.

Re: MyPaint

Posted: 14. Jan 2012, 20:43
by tsuren
This is a cool application! Thanks for sharing!

Re: MyPaint

Posted: 15. Jan 2012, 03:41
by coroner
tsuren wrote:This is a cool application! Thanks for sharing!
Can I expect that somebody from maintainers or developers shall make packages and add to the repository?

Re: MyPaint

Posted: 15. Jan 2012, 17:41
by Shador
Do it yourself. :) There are instructions in the wiki and there are too few maintainers to maintain every possible program out there properly. So every contribution is welcome. It's usually better anyway if somebody actually using a package is maintaining it.
Here you go: ... :Packaging
Especially: ... repository

You're package would of course be thoroughly reviewed. The most striking problem are the rebuild of pygtk and the upgrade of swig. Is it possible to circumvent the rebuild somehow? Maybe by installing the numpy package? I also don't think it's possible to upgrade swig. Quite a big version leap. But that might not necessarily be needed as it's just a build-time dep.
With the next version of Salix it should be no problem to upgrade swig of course. But as pygtk is a Slackware package that makes that one somewhat more difficult.

Re: MyPaint

Posted: 15. Jan 2012, 19:32
by gapan
Yes, rebuilding pygtk is a major problem. It simply isn't an option.

Re: MyPaint

Posted: 16. Jan 2012, 15:55
by coroner
Slkbuild for mypaint wrote just for practice. I do not use this program, but always dreamed learn how to draw well. Maybe in the near future I will try this program.
Maybe by installing the numpy package? I
Without numpy compilation is not possible, and will not work too.
I also don't think it's possible to upgrade swig. Quite a big version leap.
Since swig version 1.3.39 work well, checked 1.3.39 and 1.3.40. First time used last stable version 2.0.4.

Use swig 1.3.39, Mypaint package rebuild with standard version pygtk from slackware.

Code: Select all

[zhenya /]$: mypaint
builtin python 2.6 json support
confpath = /home/zhenya/.mypaint/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/mypaint", line 176, in <module>
    main.main(datapath, extradata, confpath)
  File "/usr/share/mypaint/gui/", line 72, in main
  File "/usr/share/mypaint/gui/", line 47, in run
    app = application.Application(datadir, extradata, options.config, args)
  File "/usr/share/mypaint/gui/", line 86, in __init__
    self.doc = document.Document(self)
  File "/usr/share/mypaint/gui/", line 38, in __init__
    self.tdw.neutral_background_pixbuf = backgroundsurface.Background(pixbuf)
  File "/usr/share/mypaint/lib/", line 22, in __init__
    obj = helpers.gdkpixbuf2numpy(obj)
  File "/usr/share/mypaint/lib/", line 113, in gdkpixbuf2numpy
    arr = pixbuf.get_pixels_array()
RuntimeError: pygtk was not compiled with Numeric Python support
Maybe in the next release Patrick and co will make pygtk with the required dependencies. :)

p.s. I ready maintain Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup (tiles version). If someone will request this game.

Re: MyPaint

Posted: 16. Jan 2012, 16:34
by gapan
coroner wrote:Maybe in the next release Patrick and co will make pygtk with the required dependencies. :)
I wouldn't count on it.